The Coatings Alliance

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A Partnership that “Fits”: The Importance of Shared Values

A few weeks ago, I published a blog about synergy and the positive cumulative effect that comes from aligning with like-minded individuals, employees, customers, and vendors (read it again here). At that time, I was inspired by the boosted healing properties of regenerative medicine and applied the concept of residual benefits to a business decision being made at that moment. While I did not share all of the details then, here is a deeper look into what I was thinking. 

The Coatings Alliance is a cooperative of independent paint retailers who have come together to produce their own brand, C2 Paint. Since its inception in 1999, our business model has been that of a virtual paint manufacturer. Historically, we have contracted other organizations to make our recipe of paint and distribute it directly to our customers. We have worked with several different toll manufacturers through the years, and are once again transitioning to a new manufacturer. 

It was this decision that was on my mind when I wrote that post. 

The Coatings Alliance is thrilled to announce that Diamond Vogel of Orange City, Iowa, has been selected as our new toll manufacturer. While the decision matrix is dominated by topics like manufacturing ability, quality, capacity, distribution, and price, the intangible issue of “fit” is also considered. We think about fit when trying on clothes. With athletes, we hear about the importance of locker room fit. With this decision, Diamond Vogel is an excellent fit for The Coatings Alliance. In addition to checking all of the boxes mentioned above, they are a great fit, culturally. 

Diamond Vogel has developed a reputation of strong character, fastidious commitment, and outstanding service and support. Like us, they are a multi-generational, family-owned business. In short, they care. They care because it is their good name, their reputation on the line each and every day. As a stable, family-owned company, Diamond Vogel is uniquely positioned to support The Coatings Alliance because our dealer base is similarly comprised of family-owned companies. This synergy will yield residual benefits as our relationship progresses. 

This partnership will also help us:

  •  Create necessary changes and remain nimble by dealing directly with decision-makers/owners

  • Enhance our product line and quality, from raw materials to ongoing quality checks

  • Introduce new products to the market

  • Maintain bi-coastal distribution points for quicker, more efficient delivery

  • Provide ample support for growth

In baseball, the rule is:  tie goes to the runner. In business, it’s often the intangibles or synergies that inform a close decision. For The Coatings Alliance, the synergies with Diamond Vogel provide optimism and enthusiasm for a bright future – both for us and for our dealer network through their steadfast commitment to consistency, quality, and timely manufacturing. Our organizations fit together because we share the common goals of family and independence.