3 Key Strategies to Include in Your 2021 Marketing Plan


It's fall, and with the onset of pumpkin spice, cooler weather, and football, it's also the time to start thinking about marketing plans and budgets for 2021. No doubt, things look quite different this year. Here are three key strategies to consider when planning:

1. WW/WD – this acronym is an absolute must when strategizing any marketing plans. It means: What Works/What Doesn't, which is key to analyzing what to cut and what to keep. If you have an ad in a local paper that is generating business, by all means, keep it. But if that glossy magazine ad isn't pulling in customers, it's time to rethink allocating that money elsewhere. (Or renegotiating to see if they can add on a trackable digital marketing component so you can better evaluate the value).

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2. Local Digital Marketing  - in addition to any traditional marketing plans you have in place, it's imperative to strengthen your plan's digital component. Yes, we're talking about social media and tactical traffic-driving, brand-building activities like Google Ads, SEO, Online Reviews, email marketing, and more! Digital marketing can be daunting. And frankly, who has the time? Consider outsourcing this task to an agency that specializes in this field. We highly recommend finding someone local who knows the ins and outs of your market.

3. Website - You may not think you need a website, and if so, you're not alone in thinking that way.

Only 60% of local businesses have a website. However, 90% of smartphone users search for location information, and 56% of local mobile searches end with a purchase.

A few things to remember when considering a website:

  • Keep it simple. You have enough to do. You want your website to enhance your store, not take over your current operations.

  • It's a win, win option. You don't have to trade what's working for you now, but consider it another face of your business online – because it's where people are, and you need to be there.

  • Analyze - Analytics provide insight. And with insight comes opportunity. Having a website will allow you to get to know your customers better based on their website activity. What products and colors are they looking at? With that information, you can adjust product offerings or create promotions, if needed.

  • Shipping options - If you don't want to ship paint, you don't have to! There are local delivery and pick up options with the website option that C2 Paint is offering.

  • View colors and products online – people browse before they buy, so when they come in or call to make a purchase, they are already familiar with your brand and products and might already know what they want.

  • Evaluate the ROI – if you think about the cost of a website compared to other marketing activities, the value proposition is paramount. C2 offers a site created by a paint dealer, priced under market value, and is a simple way to run online smoothly. 

    Contact us to learn more about how we can get you up and running with a site built specifically for dealers like YOU!


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