Include These Marketing Tactics in Your Next Plan

Marketing moves fast, making it hard for many local retailers to keep up. That's why we rounded up the top 5 marketing initiatives to consider when planning for 2023.

1.  Influencer Marketing:
While this form of social media marketing isn't new to 2023, brands are seizing the opportunity to build more authentic connections with their target audience by appointing "brand ambassadors" or "micro-influencers." These mutually beneficial relationships allow the brand to develop lasting relationships with its influencer partners, while the influencers can maintain trust with their audience by promoting the same brand over time.

2. Incorporate Video Marketing:
It's time to get out that phone and hit "record." But don't worry about making it perfect; people simply want to see the human element of your brand. Video-based content captures a viewer's attention for longer compared to static posts. Marketers use bite-sized videos, from TikToks to Instagram, reels to drive engagement and increase brand awareness.

3. Utilize UGC (User Generated Content):
User-generated content is the new word-of-mouth. This type of content from your actual customers is original and brand-specific. Unboxing videos, product reviews, branded hashtags, and photo tags are all examples of how brands can take advantage of user-generated content.

4. Create a Memorable Customer Experience:
Customers expect a personalized, tailored experience that speaks directly to their needs, especially in the retail store. So create an experience for them--make your space a destination. From a coffee bar to "how to" classes, your store can leave a lasting impression.

5. Emphasize Social Responsibility
Consumers today prioritize brands that practice social responsibility. As an integral part of your community, it's essential to get involved – from recycling initiatives to supporting the local baseball team or theater, customers are willing to pay more for goods from brands that display an ethos.


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